General Medicine
21st August, 2023
Case scenario.
      Hi I'm Aishwarya 3rd bds student, this is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data, after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

Case history: 
Patient details: 
      A 55yr old male resident of munagoodu, occupation by lorry driver, chief complaint: 
      Puffiness of face since 1 month
      Pedal edema since 1 month. 
     Decreased urine output since a week

History of present illness

Patient was asymptomatic apparently before a month ago, then developed puffiness on face , pedal edema which is started initially in lower limb gradually progressed towards knees. 
 And decreased urine output since a week.
History of past illness: 
   Known history of diabetes and hypertension since 15 yrs
 No history of seizures 
  No history of asthma
 No history of tuberculosis
 No history of CVA
 No history thyroid disorders

Personal details: 
  Occupation: lorry driver
  Appetite: normal
  Diet: mixed 
  Bowel: regular
 Micturition: normal
 No known allergies
Habits : alcohol consumption.

Family history: not significant.

General examination: 
Built : normal
Consious, coherent and co operative.
Pallor: no
Cyanosis: no
Lymphadenopathy: no
Icterus: no
Clubbing: no
Edema : present
Malnutrition: no
Dehydration: no

Temperature: 98F
Pulse rate: 88/min
Respiratory rate: 22/min
Bp: 120/80 mmHg

Systemic examination:
  CVS: no cardiac murmurs

  Respiratory: no dyspnea
                        No wheeze
               Position of trachea - central
Abdomen : shape - scaphoid
                     No tenderness
No organomegaly

CNS : consious and alert

Provisional diagnosis: 
             Diabetic nephropathy associated with hypertension and end stage renal disease.




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