General Medicine

August 5th, 2023

Case scenario.

    Hi, I'm aishwarya.s 3rd bds student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data, after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

Case history: 

Patient details: 

      A 63 year old male occupation by farmer , presented with the
Chief complaints: 
  Neck pain, back pain, knee pain, since 6 months. 

History of present illness: 
    Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months ago then he had neck pain which is non radiating and there is no restriction of movements. And also complains of back ache since 6 months which is radiating to both the lower limbs and has tingling sensation. Also complains of knee pain from 6 months.

History of past illness:
        No know history of diabetes mellitus, 
Hypertension, epilepsy, tuberculosis, asthma, and thyroid disorders and no CVA.

Personal history:
  Occupation: farmer
  Appetite: normal
   Diet : mixed
   Sleep : Normal
  Micturition: normal
  Bowel movement: regular
Allergies: no
     Habits: drinks occasionally.

Family history: 
      Not significant.

General examination:
       Built : normal
  Patient was Consious, co operative and coherent.
 Pallor: no
 Icterus: no
 Cyanosis:  no
 Lymphadenopathy: no
 Edema: no

    Temperature: 98F
     Pulse rate : 88/min
     Respiratory rate : 22/min
     Bp : 136/98 mmHg
Systemic examination:
    CVS: cardiac sounds - s1 s2 positive
    Respiratory system: normal
    Position of trachea: central
    No wheezing and dyspnea.
    Breath sounds: normal
    Abdomen:  no tenderness.    

Provisional diagnosis: 
      Osteoarthritis of knee.


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