General Medicine
26th August, 2023
Case scenario.
      Hi I'm Aishwarya 3rd bds student, this is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data, after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.

Case history: 
Patient details: 
 A 65yr old male occupation by weaver, resident of chittyal presented with the chief complaint of :
     Swelling in the lower right limbs since 4 days

History of present illness: 
  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago, them developed swelling in the right lower limb which is insidious onset them gradually progressed.
There is local rise in temperature.
Redness present
Discoloration of skin.
Blebs are present.

History of past illness: 
Known complaint of filariasis since 15 yrs.
Diabetes: no
Hypertension: no
Asthma: no
CVA: no
Thyroid diseases: no
Edema: present 
Tuberculosis: no
Epilepsy: no

Personal history: 
Occupation: weaver
Appetite: Normal
Diet : mixed
Bowels : normal
Micturition: normal
No known allergies.
       Occasionally alcohol consumption.

Family history: 
      Not significant.

General examination: 
 Built : normal
Patient was conscious, coherent and co operative.
No pallor
No icterus
No cyanosis
Pitting edema of feet present 
No clubbing
No lymphadenopathy

Temperature: afebrile
Pulse rate: 100 / min
Respiratory rate: 20/ min
Bp: 130/80 mmHg 

Systemic examination: 
CVS: s1 s2 +ve
          No cardiac murmurs
Respiratory: no wheeze
                      No dyspnea
                 Position of trachea is central

 Shape: scaphoid
 No tenderness
 Liver and spleen are not palpable
CNS : consious
            Speech is normal

Provisional diagnosis: 
           Cellulitis of right lower limb.


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